Chilean mussels

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Chilean mussels are farmed on Chiloe Island in the south of the country, in the crystalline waters of Chilean Patagonia. Proximity between farms and factories guarantees an extremely fresh product which will be handled very quickly.
Chile has secured a choice position on the global market for almost ten years, replacing some products and origins not competed so far.
Chilean mussels grown on lines, fulfill the markets requirements thanks to their iodized taste, their white to orange color and different presentations.
St Andrews and its subsidiaries Salmones Aucar (plant) and Pesquera Apiao (farms) are pioneers in the fishing industry in Chile with a recognized business for over 25 years.
While St Andrews offices are located in Santiago, the plant and the various farms are located in southern Chile on Chiloe Island.
St Andrews now possessed 400 hectares of farms located in three areas of Chiloe Island:
In the North: close to Ancud, where are located the offices of teams in charge of farms.
In the East: close to Quemchi where the factory is located and near Dalcahue.
In the South: close to Quellon.
These farms allow St Andrews to meet, according to the season almost 90% of their needs in raw materials thus ensuring a management of resources tailored to the needs, a reduced dependency on purchasing of raw materials as well as a perfect traceability of exported products.
Third-party products are part of a very strict monitoring system and of a list of “suppliers” checked and validated by the Quality and Production Department.
The mussels are “sowed” on rope and collected 12 to 18 months after inoculation, the latter being performed all year long as different crops mature.
As for the swarms they are collected from October to March to supply the farms.
The harvest season generally runs from October to June, its beginning and ending depending on the products yield.
In the mid-2000s, St Andrew’s plant, located in Quemchi and dedicated mainly to smoking salmon was completely rebuilt in order to modernize production facilities and increase production capacity.
These investments now allow to have a highly certified factory where can be produced up to 8,500 tons of finished product.
Upon arrival of the fresh product in the factory, freshness and quality criteria are respected on all production lines. Today, three types of finished products are produced: vacuum-packed whole mussels, IQF half shells and the flesh of IQF mussels.